Built off the idea that everyone is creative, Buffalo, NY artist and graphic designer, Brian Nesline formed Faces of Buffalo Community Art Mosaics in 2003 and created the first community art mosaic made from thousands of self-portraits drawn by people in his community. From there Faces for Fundraising™ was born.

In just a few easy steps, your school, non-profit, hospital or community group can be on its way to a successful fundraiser that’s fun for everyone who participates and who purchases or donates.


  • Contract for participation with Faces for Fundraising™
  • Decide who your lead point of contact will be.
  • Decide what your mosaic will look like. (Consider an iconic building or local theme representing your city to attract the whole region and greatly increase sales.)
  • Communicate your project and collect permission slips.
  • Draw your faces (or other themed art) on our official drawing form during one month.
  • Return your faces for processing to Faces for Fundraising™ (Faces of Buffalo LLC)
  • Receive and sell your initial products face-to-face or hold your 2 week order form or online fundraiser, receive your products and profits. 50% on nearly all items. Earn additional funds forever on images representing your city.
  • Market to your entire city. Picture the headline “Community Art Mosaic Celebrates Local Landmark” – your city will LOVE it. It’s simple, fun and easy.  We do all the hard work for you. Ready to get started? Phone (716) 854-5033 or fill out the form below and we’ll contact you.

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