Universal School

Help raise funds for our educational programs.

0% Funded
  • $0.00 Donated
  • $2,500.00 Goal
  • 0 Donors

About the Campaign

Many of our students participated in the WNY Celebrates Learning Community Art Mosaic Project and are in this mosaic print of a Buffalo! Up close you see smiling self-portraits and images of favorite school subjects and other activities we love to learn.

The Universal School espouses the ideal of academic and spiritual excellence. Our curriculum is designed to educate the whole student by addressing development of the moral, physical, spiritual and social qualities of each student.

How you can help:

  • Make a donation and receive your WNY Celebrates Learning mosaic print of a Buffalo made from 1000’s of participants. Up close you can see ALL the drawings.
  • Share our fundraiser on social media to help spread the word.
    Did you draw your portrait for our class? Search for it here:
