Cloverbank Elementary

Help by sharing our page or making a donation – get a mosaic print!

0% Funded
  • $0.00 Donated
  • $2,500.00 Goal
  • 0 Donors

About the Campaign

“I am honored to be the principal of a school where the nurturing and caring of children, high expectations and character building are a priority.” Mrs. Renee Kumiega – Principal

Many of our students drew and colored squares of their favorite school subjects, activities and self-portraits to celebrate learning in WNY. All drawings are in this beautiful mosaic print of a Buffalo and in our student gallery below. Get a mosaic with your donation!

How YOU can help:

  • Share our page to help us spread the word to the entire region so we can raise funds. Use the social media buttons above or from our drawings in the gallery below.
  • Make a donation to help our cause.  Donations are rewarded with a special mosaic print that includes ALL our drawings. Enjoy this unique conversation piece!

Did you draw your portrait for our class? Search for it here:
