Clarence Middle School

Help our 6th grade class by sharing our page or making a donation!

0% Funded
  • $0.00 Donated
  • $5,000.00 Goal
  • 0 Donors

About the Campaign

Together we make learning a way of life.”– Clarence Schools

Our 6th grade art class drew and colored squares of our favorite school subjects, activities and self-portraits to celebrate learning in WNY! Our drawings are in this beautiful mosaic print of a Buffalo and in our student gallery below.

How YOU can help:

  • View our gallery below and share our art with friends & family.
  • Share our page so we can raise funds. Use the social media buttons above or in the gallery below.
  • Make a donation to help our cause. Donations are rewarded with a special mosaic print that includes ALL our drawings. It’s a unique conversation piece!

Did you draw your portrait for our class? Search for it here:
